Professional title: Assistant Professor |
Address: 209 University Street, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province, China |
E-mail: weihuan@tyut.edu.cn |
Education Experience
2018,Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology.
2014,M.S.,Materials Science and Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology.
2012,B.S.,Metallic Material Engineering,. Taiyuan University of Technology.
Research Interests
■ Light-high strength composites
■ Aircraft health management
■ Aerospace high strength and high conductivity copper alloy
[1] Surface mechanical attrition treatment-induced dissolution of Cu4Ti precipitates in Cu-4wt-% Ti alloy, Materials Science and Technology, 2020, 30(6): 1-7.
[2] Age hardening studies of a Cu-4Ti-Cr-Fe alloy, Materials Science and Technology, 2019, 35(15): 1848-1855.
[3] Evolution of grain refinement mechanism in Cu-4wt.% Ti alloy during surface mechanical attrition treatment, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 763: 835-843.
[4] Effects of multiple trace alloying elements on the microstructure and properties of Cu-4 wt% Ti alloys, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2017, 707: 392-398.
[5] Correlation of ageing precipitates with the corrosion behaviour of Cu-4 wt.% Ti alloys in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution, Corrosion Science, 2016, 111: 382-390.